full service NDT since 1990

Alternative and complementary qualification of NDT staff for foreign markets

We would like to offer you specialised seminar which takes place on 2.9.2014 and which is focused on the topic:

Alternative and complementary qualification of NDT staff for foreign markets

(qualification and certification of NDT staff according to the SNT-TC-1A)



Outline of the training

1.    Introduction into the qualification and certification of the NDT staff – the purpose of qualification and certifation of the staff, qualification and certification in connection with the requiremens of product standards and specifications  (ASME Code, AWS Code, RCCM Code etc.), certification of the central body versus employer certification
2.    Overview of norms and regulations for qualification and certification of NDT staff(ČSN EN ISO 9712/ČSN EN 473, ČSN EN 4179, ASNT SNT-TC-1A, ANSI/ASNT CP-189, ANSI/ASNT CP-105 etc.)
3.    Detailed description of the system of qualification and certification of the NDT staff according to the SNT-TC-1A – qualification levels, competence, training, exams, validity of the certificate
4.    Requirements and conditions of the qualification and certification according to the SNT-TC-1A in continuity on the certification system according to the ČSN EN ISO 9712 (ČSN EN 473)
5.    Discussion

Ing. Alexandr Popov




This specialised course is dedicated for managers and personalists, operation leaders and businessmen.
Price of the course: 2749,- Kč withour VAT. Duration: 1 day. Date: 2.9.2014

Send an Email. All fields with an (*) are required.
Address: PTS Josef Solnař s.r.o.
  U Hrůbků 170
  709 00 Ostrava Nová Ves
  Czech Republic
Phone: +420 596 744 163
Mobile: +420 777 175 174
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