full service NDT since 1990

MT Magnetic Testing

 We do calibrate:

  • hand yokes
  • power source generators
  • stationary MT devices
  • devices for measuring of magnetic field
  • luxmetres
  • UV metres
  • UV lamps


Calibration of hand yokes
calibration range at AC – 50 Hz is 1,5 kA/m – 15 kA/m; for DC is provided only lifting test for verification

Calibrace of power source generators
calibration range at AC – 50 Hz is 0 – 3000 A, for calibration through side power up to value of 6000A; calibration of DC power sources is provided for PTS products only

Calibration of stationary MT devices – benches, special devices for checking wheels, chassis, rims and shafts also with Quick Break function
    for Current
        calibration range at AC – 50 Hz is 0 – 3000 A, for calibration through side power up to value of 6000A     
        calibration of DC current we provide for  PTS products only
    for Intensity of magnetic field
        calibration range at AC – 50 Hz is for intensity of magnetic field 2 kA/m – 6 kA/m
        calibration range at DC is for intensity of magnetic field 2 kA/m – 6 kA/m

Calibration of devices measuring magnetic field – Magnetometres, Gaussmetres, Teslametres
for tangential probes is range 250 A/m – 190 000 A/m
for axial probes is range 250 A/m – 40 000 A/m

Calibration of Luxmetres
calibration range 20 Lx – 18 000 Lx

Calibration of UV metres
calibration range 200 µW/cm2 – 4000 µW/cm2

Calibration of UV lamps
calibration up to 6000 µW/cm2

Calibration for MT method is provided according to ČSN EN ISO 9934-3
Calibration period is 12 month according to ČSN EN ISO 3059


Send an Email. All fields with an (*) are required.
Address: PTS Josef Solnař s.r.o.
  U Hrůbků 170
  709 00 Ostrava Nová Ves
  Czech Republic
Phone: +420 596 744 163
Mobile: +420 777 175 174
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