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Hardness Tester HardCheck 300plus

HardCheck 300plus is the smallest hardness tester with graphic display and memory deisigned for the the dynamic reflecting method.

On the graphic LCD display can be displayed the actual value or all the parameters as it can be displayed on the devices which are much bigger. The device is so small that it can be easily hidden in the shirt pocket.

Basic parameters

  • impact probe D with the option of measuring in all direction, even upwards
  • data output on the USB port
  • inner memory
  • built in battery Li-ion 3.7V
  • setting alarm for the minimum and maximum value
  • meets the ASTM A956 norm

HardCheck 300HardCheck 300


Technical specifications

  • Graphic LCD display 112x64
  • Optional setting of display contrast
  • Display: measuring direction,  battery indication, memory space, units, current value, average, number of measuremets per average
  • Accuracy+ / -0.5% (HLD=800)
  • Counting of arithmetic mean
  • Units HL, HRC, HRB, HV, HB, HS
  • Impacet probe D (built-in)
  • Optional probe DL, C
  • Memory 1250 groups
  • USB output port
  • Automatinc switch off when inactive
  • Charging Li-Ion batteries – up to 16 hours of operation
  • Operating temperature -20 °C to +50°C
  • Size 158×41×26mm
HardCheck 300HardCheck 300
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