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UF 365 handy

PTS UF 365 handy is a precisely produced UV lamp (365 nm) for NDT needs. It has rechargeable battery inside with capacity of 4000 mAh which provides long-lasting continuous operation. Battery is to be chraged directly in the lamp.


UF 365 handyUF 365 handy

The lamp has three output power modes, the most intensive is more than 13.000µW/cm2 and reached immediatelly after turning on. Maximal intensity allows to use lamp around 8 hours. Housing of the lamp is made from aluminium with surface resistant to scratching (type III hard anodized). The lamp is powered from internal Li-ion accumulator with capacity of 4000 mAh, together with high-end modern UV diod Nichia it makes this effective lamp suitable for each NDT user. Replaceable accumulator with a charger is a part of lamp's kit. Despite the fact that even after 8 hours of continuous lighting the lamp will slightly heat, occasional overheat is monitored by intelligent electronics.

UF 365 handyUF 365 handy

UF 365 handy has easy control by one button which switch on the lamp or switch it off being briefly pushed and change actual lighting intensity when pushed longer. The lamp memorizes the last used mode and has function to lock against unwanted switching on (for example, during transportation). 

During operation use protective UV glasses - transparent or toned with special frame which blocks UV rays coming from sides as well. 


production material / LED housing: extruded aluminium 6N01/T6
ring on the top: stainless steel
LED: UV Nichia 3W
wavelength UV-A 365nm±3nm
intensity at 40cm high: >13.000µW/cm2
medium: > 4.200µW/cm2
low: > 120µW/cm2
white light up to 10 / 4 / 1 lux
illuminated area 100mm at distance of 40cm
parabola aluminium, surface orange skin
operation time continuous more than 8 hours
charging time around 5 hours
dimensions 32.5 x 154mm (head diameter 39.6mm)
weight 250g with accumulator
baterie typ 26650 Li-Ion; 3,7V; 4000mAh
shock resistance shock resistant to drops from 2m height, IPX8
low battery alarm when battery voltage goes under 3.5V ON button starts to blink red and high intensity will turn to medium, should voltage decrease more, processor would switch the lamp off to protect battery from damage

UF 365 handyUF 365 handy

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  Czech Republic
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