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Magnetic device for dross retention

DZ-140 and DZ-160 devices are intended for partial dross retention (refining) by magnetic method during process of production of steel ferromagnetic pipes

when dross is formed on their internal and external surfaces. The device operates in automatic mode independently on other equipment which is used in conveyer production lines, finishing lines or NDT lines of pipe products.

Large amount of dross, coming off magnetic particles on pipes can accumulate near equipment parts in production operations of finishing and non-destructive testing. This lead to contamination of the equipment and in some cases may reduce its operational life, for instance, cause untimely failure of defectoscope’s converters. Cleaning of external surface, as a rule, is not a difficult process while cleaning of internal surface can be complicated. For example, «blowing off» of pipes with compressed air doesn’t guaranty complete cleaning because part of dross is held on the end parts by magnetic field of a pipe. Our company developed this equipment specially for reducing undesirable contamination by means of magnetic retention of dross.

  • Current regulation in coils
  • Digital amperemeters
  • Automatic / manual modes
  • Control of pipes transportation / Automatic shutdown when pipes are stopped
  • Power save mode
  • Automatic demagnetization of pipes


Main units of the device:

  • DC coil
  • AC coil
  • Electric box
  • Coil‘s supports in complete with containers for collecting dross etc.


DZ-140 and DZ-160 devicesDZ-140 and DZ-160 devices


Maximum external diameter of pipes: 114 mm (DZ-140 model); 150 mm (DZ-160 model)
Material of pipe: Ferromagnetic
Power supply: 3 x 400 V 50 Hz Dimensions (DZ-140 model)
Electric box
  Length: 300 mm
  Width: 600 mm
  Height: 1000 mm
  Length: 250 mm
  Width: 360 mm
  Height: 360 mm

DZ-140 magnetic device for dross retention in production line of a CustomerRetained dross crumbles into collecting container



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Address: PTS Josef Solnař s.r.o.
  U Hrůbků 170
  709 00 Ostrava Nová Ves
  Czech Republic
Phone: +420 596 744 163
Mobile: +420 777 175 174
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