full service NDT since 1990

Special demagnetizers

Special demagnetizers are demagnetizing equipment produced according to the specific requirements of Customer.

They are designed to meet strictly defined requirements including intensity and external dimensions requirements. You can see examples of such products' implementation below.

Demagnetizer DZ-1400F

the device is designed to reduce residual magnetism of the railway wheels

Demagnetizátor DZ-1400FDemagnetizátor DZ-1400F

Demagnetizer DZC 150

with a slip designed to demagnetize different smaller parts

Demagnetizátor DZC 150Demagnetizátor DZC 150

DUO plate demagnetizer located in the production line of bearings

Deskový demagnetizátor DUODeskový demagnetizátor DUO

DPT-250 gallows

it is a demagnetizer for demagnetizing of hardly accessible places

DPT-250 (šibenice)DPT-250 (šibenice)

Demagnetizer DSCF (DPA 210 Cooperfield)

Is designed to reduce the residual magnetism of small machine parts eg small bearings, valves

DPA 210 (Cooperfield)

ZDC 120

is designed to manually reduce the residual magnetism of long profiles, tubes

ZDC 120ZDC 120

Desktop demagnetizer DPT

The desktop demagnetizing device is a practical universal device used for demagnetizing of different small-sized products and pieces. For instance gauges, measuring instruments, gadgets etc. made from ferromagnetic material. The device is not suitable for continuous operation.

Stolní demagnetizátor DPTStolní demagnetizátor DPT


voltage 230 V, 50 Hz, 400 VA
field intensity [kA/m] 40
dimensions w/h/d [mm] 280 x 120 x 160
weight [kg] 8

Should you have any questions, please call us or use contact form at the bottom of the page.


Send an Email. All fields with an (*) are required.
Address: PTS Josef Solnař s.r.o.
  U Hrůbků 170
  709 00 Ostrava Nová Ves
  Czech Republic
Phone: +420 596 744 163
Mobile: +420 777 175 174
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