full service NDT since 1990

SigmaCheck 2 - conductivity meter

The SigmaCheck 2 is the conductivity meter from ETHER NDE.

Housed in a sculpted case that is comfortable to hold and manufactured with a flexible open-faced removable silicon rubber boot, the SigmaCheck is designed to be fully hand-held. Made to be operated along with an ergonomically designed probe, the SigmaCheck offers the user the very best in design as well as usability, technology and cost effectiveness.

ET EtherNDE instruments SigmaCheckET EtherNDE instruments SigmaCheck

The SigmaCheck 2 comes in a moulded UL94-5VA flame retardant ABS case with a dual calibration block, probe cable, charger, USB lead, removable desk stand and user manual. Other probes are available for the SigmaCheck.

Additionally a belt strap is incorporated into instrument back.


  • Large colour displaySigmacheck display
  • Ergonomic slim line design
  • Light-weight
  • USB connection
  • USB charging facility
  • Thermal bridge for stability
  • Configurable dual-zone display
  • Lift-off measurement display
  • Real-time PC control
  • Excellent data reporting package
  • Excellent battery life
  • Two-year warranty
  • Firmware can be updated and upgraded in the field
  • Comes with a stand, durable rubber boot and useful belt strap
  • All data including probe maps stored on removable and transferable micro SD memory card with 2GB of data storage
  • Intelligent charger as well as a mains charger
  • Ergonomic Probe (holder / skirt)
  • 60 kHz, 120 kHz, 240 kHz, 480 kHz and 960 kHz frequencies available
  • Real-time clock therefore all readings maybe stamped
  • High-quality "tool-case"
  • Multiple languages available
  • Metal Sorting display capability
  • Lift-Off Bargraph and Traditional Conductivity Meter Displays available

Technical parameters

Inspection Technology Eddy Current
Operating Frequencies 60 kHz, 120 kHz, 240kHz, 480 kHz and 960 kHz
Display 240 x 320 pixels colours display. LCD with selectable backlight.
Size 163mm Long x 80mm Wide x 25mm Deep
Construction & Storage High impact, splash proof, moulded UL94-5VA flame retardant ABS case. Protective rubber boot to hold unit, probes, probe cable, operator manual on USB and removable stand.
Weight 358g (12oz) including batteries
Power 2 x 1,5 V AA Alkaline Batteries, Approx upto 6 hrs life.
Conductivity Standards On top of unit. Removable for value verification, and ensuring thermal equilibrium.
Conductivity Range 0,5% IACS to 110% IACS, (0,28 MS/m až 64 MS/m)
Resolution 10 to 110% IACS, reading 10,0 až 110 (upto 3 dec. places)
Lift Off 13mm probe compensated to 0.020" (0,5mm) 7mm probe compensated to 0.010" (0,25mm)
Accuracy Probe must be in thermal equilibrium with test material, and instrument and probe stabilized prior to
testing. Minimum 15-minute warm up time for stabilisation.
At 20°C: 0-20% IACS: ± 0.05 IACS
At 20°C: >20% IACS ± 0.25% of readout
Temperature Measurement In-probe sensor (accurate to 0,5°C)
Range  0°C to +50°C
Automatic Compensation Conductivity measurements are corrected to the 20°C value
Environmental Range 0 to 95% relative humidity, 0°C to +50°C for reliable operation
Data Logger Memory Removable 2GB micro SD Card allowing over 1 million reading to be stored
Probes 13mm diameter for 60kz - 480kHz
7mm probe operates at 480kHz only. Probes are interchangeable with simple operator resetting procedure. Probes are field exchangable and do not require the return to manufacturer for calibration.
PC ConnectivityUSB port for charger and PC communications USB is used for communication with the PC and for the power supply
Accessories Settings Reference Blocks - A range of conductivity references standards tracable to US and European standards are availlable for in-field use. Up to five can be mounted on an aluminium anodised holding plate.

 ET EtherNDE instruments SigmaCheckET EtherNDE instruments SigmaCheck

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