full service NDT since 1990

MT Crack Detectors / Sources

MT HD Testing Benches

Stationary magnetizing benches MAS HD series (heavy duty) are intended for inspection of ferromagnetic parts up to 430 mm diameter, 920 mm length and 100 kg weight.

The advantage is the possibility of using circular and longitudinal magnetization simultaneously, allowing indicate flaws in more directions in one cycle, compared to separate magnetization.
Next advantage is longitudinal magnetization using coils integrated in the tailstocks, which is less time consuming and simpler for operator, unlike the magnetization using the moving coil.

Standard delivery for all models MAS 500 / 700 / 900 HD

  • cirkulární magnetizace průchodem prouducircular magnetization by passing the current
  • longitudinal magnetization by coils integrated in     the clamping tailstocks
  • combined magnetization can be used – both circular and longitudinal simultaneously
  • automatic AC demagnetization at the and of testing
  • level monitoring of reached currents
  • the bench is equipped with stationary switchboard with sources of magnetizing current and control panel, girder for suspension UV lamp, pump, application nozzles for automatic applying and shower for manual applying of the suspension
  • these benches are equipped with pneumatic cylinder for clamping the tested product between the tailstocks
  • cycle start is done using the footswitch
  • manual mode can be activated by the footswitch
  • AC type of current, or optionally HWDC or FWDC


(see description by pointing the mouse cursor on the star)


MAS HD bench designation   500 700 900
construction material of the bench   steel steel steel
clamping length mm 520 720 700
max. weight of the tested material kg 100 100 100
circular magnetization AC (current passage) effective A 2000 2000 2 000
longitudial magnetization AC (by coils inclamping tailstocks) Az 10000 12000 15000
diameter of the clamped part , max. mm 430 430 430
power voltage V 3x400/50Hz 3x400/50Hz 3x400/50Hz
power input kVA 35 45  53
capacity of the stainless steel reservoir l 35 35 35
length mm 1650 1880 2100
width mm 750 750 750
height mm 2200 2200 2200
weigth of the basic version kg 500 550 600


 MPI crack detector benches MAS HDMPI crack detector benches MAS HD 07

Optional accessories (for extra charge)

  • stationary or hand UV lamps
  • darkening cabin
  • tailored clamping panels
  • secured both-hands operation for automatic mode
  • touch panel control with a database of tested products


Modifications are possible according to the customer's requirements and wishes.

Other variants of benches

MT zkušební stoly HDMT zkušební stoly HD MAS 900 HDMT zkušební stoly HDMT zkušební stoly HD

MT zkušební stoly HD MAS 700MT zkušební stoly HD MAS 1200 ME AL


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Address: PTS Josef Solnař s.r.o.
  U Hrůbků 170
  709 00 Ostrava Nová Ves
  Czech Republic
Phone: +420 596 744 163
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