full service NDT since 1990

MT Crack Detectors / Sources

Current Source ZP 2000 DUO

ZP 2000 DUO is current source from the range of portable current sources.

It contains 2 identical sources with the mutual outflow which can be used for magnetizing by current flow and for magnetizing by coil. Both of the sources can be turned on at the same time or separatelly.  

ZP 2000 DUO

  • ZP 2000 DUO is portable current source.
  • It contains 2 identical sources with the mutual outflow.
  • One of them can be used for magnetizing by current flow and the other one for magnetizing by the coil.
  • The sources can be turned on simultaneously or separatelly.
  • Each of the sources has its own regulation and current measurement.
  • Turning on the output is done manually using a button or a foot switch.
  • It is possible to choose  between manual operation or time turn on operation (1 to 10 seconds).
  • Regulation of the current is done by Thyristor power regulator0 - 2000A.
  • Demagnetizing becomes automatic anytime the current has been switched off.
  • The source contains as well a 230V/10A socket for connecting an UV lamp and a 3x400/16A socket for connecting a pump.



Technical parameters:

  • Charging: 3x400/32A
  • Power input: max 13 kVA
  • Empty voltage: 2x max 8V/AC
  • Maximum output current: 0 - 2840A
  • Effective output current: 0 - 2000A
  • Type of current: alternating
  • Method of current settings: continuous regulation by the Thyristor power regulator
  • Accuracy of current measurement: ±10%
  • Operation: interrupted (loading coefficient max. 30%)
  • Thermic protection: inner thermostat on the transformators
  • Coverage: IP 40
  • Time switch: adjustable 1 to 10 seconds


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Address: PTS Josef Solnař s.r.o.
  U Hrůbků 170
  709 00 Ostrava Nová Ves
  Czech Republic
Phone: +420 596 744 163
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