full service NDT since 1990

Technical films Foma

Complete assortment of the inland producer of X-ray films for use in the non-destructive testing industry. Those films are characterized by high quality and reasonable price.





Rollfilm FOMADUX

Special adjustable form of technical radiographic film for industrial defectoscopy which uses X-ray or gamma radiation.
The whole length of the weld can be exposed in one formate.
Light impermeable case procures the resistance of the film against humidity and greasy grime.
the quality of the picture is secured by the perfect contact of the film and the leaden foils inside the case.
Dimensions of the film: withd 70 and 100 mm, length up to 90 m.

Indux R4

Film with medium sensitivity, high contrast and extra fine granularity. 
Can be provided in the dark room packaging KB (FW, IF) or as a package of individually vacuum packed sheet for daylight  FOMAPAK (DB.) and as the ROLLFILM.
It meets the requirements of the C3 class classification in accordance to the norm EN-584-1.
It is designed for manual or machine-operated use.

Indux R5

Film with standard sensitivity, high contrast and fine granularity.
It is supplied in the dark room packaging KB (FW, IF), or as a package of individually vacuum packed sheets for daylight FOMAPAK (DB.) and as the ROLLFILM.
It corresponds to the classification of the C4 class according to the EN-584-1 norm.
It is designed for manual or machine-operated use.

Indux R7

Film with high sensitivity, very high contrast and small granularity.
It is provided in the dark room packaging KB (FW, IF),  in a package of individually vacuum packed sheets for daylight FOMAPAK (DB.) and as a ROLLFILM.
It corresponds with the classification of the C5 class according to the EN-584-1 norm.
It is designed for manual or machine-operated use.

Indux R8

Extremely sensitive film with high contrast and medium granularity, suitable especially for cases which require short exposition. Further shortening of the exposition period can be done through combination of the film with the fluorometalic foils.
It is supplied in dark room packaging KB (FW, IF) or in a package of individually vacuum packed sheets for daylight FOMAPAK (DB.). It meets the requiremenets of the C6 class according to the EN-584-1 norm.
It is designed for manual or machine-operated use.


  INDUX R4,R5,R7
Dark room KB
INDUX R4, R5, R7
Daylight FOMAPAK
6x12   X
6x16   X
6x20   X
6x24 X X
6x40 X X
6x48 X X
10x12 X X
10x16 X X
10x20 X X
10x24 X X
10x40 X X
10x48 X X
18x24 X  
24x30 X  
30x40 X X
35x43 X  


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Address: PTS Josef Solnař s.r.o.
  U Hrůbků 170
  709 00 Ostrava Nová Ves
  Czech Republic
Phone: +420 596 744 163
Mobile: +420 777 175 174
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