full service NDT since 1990

UT Phased Array Probes

Linear Array Series

Conventional array probe, standard series for phased array instrument. Applicable to most conventional scenarios.


  • Power: conventional Welding Inspection, Pressure Vessels, Oil Refineries, etc
  • Aviation / Aerospace: Welding, Landing Gears Inspection
  • Automotive: Engine Parts, Frames, Axles, Brake Discs.
  • Conventional: Welding, Forgings, Castings, Pipes, Bridges & Construal Steels


Doppler Phased Array Linear Array Series


ModelFrequencyElements PitchActive ApertureElevationCasing Dimension

Case Type

Long (L)Width (W)Height (H)
5L32-0,3*10 5 32 0,3 9,6 10 13,4 28,5 20 DP1
5L16-0,6*10 5 16 0,6 9,6 10
5L32-0,6*10 5 32 0,6 19,2 10 23 28,5 23 DP2
5L64-0,6*10 5 64 0,6 38,4 10 42,5 28,5 23 DP3
2,25L32-0,75*24 2,25 32 0,75 24 24 29,5 30,5 25 DP4
5L64-1,0*10 5 64 1 64 10 70 28,5 23 DP5
5L128-1,0*10 5 128 1 128 10 135 29,5 30 DP6
5L32-1,0*10 5 32 1 32 10 36 28,5 23 DP28
10L16-0,31*5 10 16 0,31 4,96 5 8 8 18 DP30
5L32-0,8*10 5 32 0,8 25,6 10 29,5 28,5 23 DP31


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Address: PTS Josef Solnař s.r.o.
  U Hrůbků 170
  709 00 Ostrava Nová Ves
  Czech Republic
Phone: +420 596 744 163
Mobile: +420 777 175 174
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