full service NDT since 1990

UT probes PTS

Ultrasound probes PTS for ultrasound defectoscopes and thickness meters are characterized especially by excellent sensitivity, accuracy and reasonable price.

These probes are compatible with the GE (Krautkamer) and Olympus probes and are work with devices of these brands.


UT Probes PTSUT Probes PTS

probe typedescriptionequivalentMHzconverter [mm]anglefocusconnector
UL645 minitature angle probe - 5 6x6 45° - microdot
UL660 minitature angle probe - 5 6x6 60° - microdot
UL670 minitature angle probe - 5 6x6 70° - microdot
UM2Z45 small angle probe MWB45-2 2 8x9 45° - lemo00
UM2Z60 small angle probe MWB60-2 2 8x9 60° - lemo00
US2Z70 small angle probe MWB70-2 2 8x9 70° - lemo00
UM4Z45 small angle probe MWB45-4 4 8x9 45° - lemo00
UM4Z60 small angle probe MWB60-4 4 8x9 60° - lemo00
UM4Z70 small angle probe MWB70-4 4 8x9 70° - lemo00
US2Z45 medium angle probe SWB45-2 2 14x14 45° - lemo00
US2Z60 medium angle probe SWB60-2 2 14x14 60° - lemo00
US2Z70 medium angle probe SWB70-2 2 14x14 70° - lemo00
US4Z45 medium angle probe SWB45-2 4 14x14 45° - lemo00
US4Z60 medium angle probe SWB60-4 4 14x14 60° - lemo00
US4Z70 medium angle probe SWB70-4 4 14x14 70° - lemo00
UV2Z45 large angle probe WB45-2 2 20x22 45° - lemo01
UV2Z60 large angle probe WB60-2 2 20x22 60° - lemo01
UV2Z70 large angle probe WB70-2 2 20x22 70° - lemo01
UV4Z45 large angle probe WB45-4 4 20x22 45° - lemo01
UV4Z60 large angle probe WB60-4 4 20x22 60° - lemo01
UV4Z70 large angle probe WB70-4 4 20x22 70° - lemo01
PJ212 direct probe MB2S 2 12 - - lemo00
PJ412 direct probe MB4S 4 12 - - lemo00
PJ124 direct probe B1S 1 24 - - lemo01
PJ224 direct probe B2S 2 24 - - lemo01
PJ424 direct probe B4S 4 24 - - lemo01
PD212 direct dual probe MSEB2 2 12 - 12 2xlemo00
PD412 direct dual probe MSEB4 4 12 - 12 2xlemo00
PD224 direct dual probe SEB2 2 24 - 24 2xlemo00
PD424 direct dual probe SEB4 4 24 - 24 2xlemo00

NOTE: All angle probes are avaible with the connector input on the top side.

UT Probes PTSUT Probes PTS


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Address: PTS Josef Solnař s.r.o.
  U Hrůbků 170
  709 00 Ostrava Nová Ves
  Czech Republic
Phone: +420 596 744 163
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