full service NDT since 1990


Affordable, super-compact, UV-A LED flashlights designed specifically for NDT.

OPTI-LUX 365 Series inspection flashlights feature a powerful UV-A (365nm) LED light source coupled with a rugged anodized lamp body, UV-A intensity of 10,000 µW/cm² and LED service life 30 000 hours.

Spectro-UV EagleEye on offer

Order CodeDescriptionFeaturesNominal steadystate UV-A (365 nm) intensity at 15 inches (38 cm)Visible light measurementDiameter of UV-A coverage area at 15 inches (38 cm)
UVSP00110 Spectro-UV OPTI-LUX OLX-365FL/F UV-A Inspection Flashlights Standard intensity (unfocused) with clear filter 4,500 μW/cm2 0.3 foot-candles
(3.2 lux)
2.5 inch (6.3 cm)
UVSP00110_BF Spectro-UV OPTI-LUX OLX-365BFL/F UV-A Inspection Flashlights Standard intensity (unfocused) with internal black light filter 4,500 μW/cm2 0.2 foot-candles
(2.1 lux)
2.5 inch (6.3 cm)
UVSP00111 Spectro-UV OPTI-LUX OLX-365/F UV-A Inspection Flashlights High intensity (focused) with clear filter 10,000 μW/cm2 0.8 foot-candles
(8.6 lux)
2 inch (5.0 cm)

UV Spectroline OPTI LUX365UV Spectroline OPTI LUX365


  • nominal steady-state UV-A intensity 10 000 µW/cm² - 365 nm (+- 5 nm) or maximum of 4,500 µW/cm² at 15 inches (38 cm)
  • 30 000 hour LED service life
  • coverage area up to 2.5 inch (6.3 cm) diameter at 15 inches (38 cm) with minimum UV-A intensity of 2000 µW/cm²
  • anodized aluminum lamp body minimizes corrosion and stands up to years of heavy use
  • instant-on operation, lamp reaches full intensity immediately!
  • pocket size with a weight of 130 g allows easy manipulation
  • 4 hours of continuous operation, and 8 hour charging
  • we offer 4 models and all are supplied with a cetificate of compliance for both performance measurement and wavelength


UV Spectroline OPTI LUX365UV Spectroline OPTI LUX365

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Send an Email. All fields with an (*) are required.
Address: PTS Josef Solnař s.r.o.
  U Hrůbků 170
  709 00 Ostrava Nová Ves
  Czech Republic
Phone: +420 596 744 163
Mobile: +420 777 175 174
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