full service NDT since 1990

UF 365 triLED / batt UV lamp

PTS UF 365 triLED and triLED batt are the second generation of rechargeable battery-powered lamps with three UV-A LEDs which immeadiately reach maximal intensity more than 5500 µW/cm2. For NDT needs lamp's housing is made from aluminium alloy.

You can choose battery-powered version with capacity 4x3000mAh where charging is performed directly in the lamp. Another option is a lamp with power supply from mains and 2.8m long cable. Both versions are intended for long and continuous work. 


UF 365 triLEDUF365 triLED / batt UV lamp

After switching on by tumbler on a back side the lamp will immediatelly reach maximal intensity more than 5.500µW/cm². Another tumbler I / II allows to select between 100% and 50% power saving mode. Battery version can keep lighting on maximal intensity around 6 hours. Housing of the lamp is made from aluminium alloy for better heat transfer, while edges are covered with big rubber frame. The lamp is powered by internal lithium-ion accumulator pack of 4x3000mAh capacity, which is not replaceable by user.

UF 365 triLEDUF 365 triLED nabíjecí adaptér


Indicator light in the power button of lamp with integrated battery indicates battery level:


battery level is 40-100%


battery level is 25-40%


battery level is 5-25%
It is recommended to charge lamp when the battery level goes to yellow, it means under 40% of capacity. This will significantly extend the battery lifetime.

UF365batt contains also ingelligent charger that after connecting to device measures voltage of battery and starts charging. Charging takes about 4 hours to full and signal LED light is green (while during charging shines red). Internal accumulator block with charger is part of package. Inteligent device takes care about over-heating of it.



product material / LED housing: aluminium alloy
durable, shock-resistant protecting frame, rubber
LED: 3x UV 3W
UV-A wavelength 365nm±3nm
intensity at 40cm [µW/cm²] 5.500
white light (part of UV-A radiation) [lux] do 10
illuminated area at distance of 40cm [mm] 120 x 140
continuous operation time [hours] more than 8
charging time [hours] cca 4
overall dimensions [mm] 230 x 140
weight UF 365 triLED / UF 365 triLED batt [kg] 0.95 / 1.10
battery 4 x type 18650 Li-Ion; 3.7V; 3000mAh


We offer optional calibration of this product.

UF 365 triLED battUF 365 triLED batt nabíjecí adaptér

UF 365 triLED battUF 365 triLED batt


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  U Hrůbků 170
  709 00 Ostrava Nová Ves
  Czech Republic
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