full service NDT since 1990

UF12-LED UV Lamp

This new stacionary LED lamp replaces older model UF 14-LED.

It has intensity cca 5000uW/cm², better IP ptorection and is more than 2 kg lightweight than previous model. It is also offered for lower price.
The lamp contains 12 UV LEDs, has two levels of intensity 50/100% at the wavelength of 365nm and includes UV filter for filtering of the visible light. For lighting by white light the lamp construction includes 4 white LEDs and passive cooling by aluminium housing. Power supply unit is situated outside of the lamp's housing in order not to affect the lamp's cooling. This unit is being cooled passively itself in aluminium housing with dimensions 120x120x60mm. Length of the connecting cable between lamp and power supply unit is 4.5m and from the unit to mains 3m.

This lamp replaces technologically outdated bulb UV lamps. In comparison with them LED lamp offers much longer operation life and lower power consumption as well as intended for continuous work.

UV Lampa UF 12LEDUV Lampa UF 12LED



 power supply  230V, 50Hz
 amount of UV LEDs  12
 amount of white LEDs  4
 operation life of LEDs > 30.000 hours
 wavelength of UV-A radiation 365nm
 consumption power 30W
 intensity of ultraviolet (black) UV-A light > 5000 µW/ cm2 at a distance of 400 mm from filter (at highest intensity)
 intensity of white light (as a part of UV-A) < 20 lux
operation continuous
full passive cooling yes
overall dimensions w/h/d 460 x 160 x 110mm
weight 4.2kg
protection index IP40
cable length 4.5 + 3m (from lamp to PSU + from PSU to plug) - length can be adapted to customer's request


UV Lampa UF 12LEDUV Lampa UF 12LED


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  U Hrůbků 170
  709 00 Ostrava Nová Ves
  Czech Republic
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