full service NDT since 1990

Videoscope of IdealBorescope series

Videoscope from 3igcorp company offers flexible probes rotating 360° with wear-resistant tungsten braid for the best price (in comparison with products of competitors of the same category).

VT Videoscope IdealBorescopeVT Videoscope IdealBorescope 02

Specification of the recording unit

  • 5" TFT display
  • advanced digital processing of images
  • snapshot saving to SD card
  • video recording including sound
  • joystick controller for 360° rotating probe
  • direct lighting intensity adjustment
  • probe lighting with the help of optical fiber (for 7 and 10m probes - LED lighting)
  • documentation
  • menu is available in 20 languages

Specification of probes

  • flexible within full range - 360° (except G Series)
  • resolution:1280 x 720; 640 x 480; 320 x 240 (according to the selected series)
  • probe head made from titanium alloy (content of titanium 12%) - high resistance against wearing
  • high density tungsten braid of the probe (content of tungsten 99%) - high resistance against wearing e.g. rubbing


O Kit

IdealBorescope O kit

R Kit

IdealBorescope R kit

B Kit

IdealBorescope Blue kit

G Kit

IdealBorescope Green kit

Ø of the probe [mm] 6,0 3,9 3,0 6,0 4,3 3,9 2,8 2,2 1,3 1,6 1,0
probe resolution  1280 x 720 640 x 480 640 x 480 320 x 240
Side view yes yes no yes no yes no
head rotation within full range - 360° within full range - 360° within full rangeu - 360° 2-way articulation ne
probe length [m]




7 *LED
10 *LED


1,5 *P
3 *V

1 0,8
probe material high density tungsten braid high density tungsten braid high density tungsten braid high density tungsten braid
viewing angle 100° 90° 90° 70°
bending angle ≥110 ≥110 ≥110 ≥90
IP code IP-67 IP-67 IP-67 IP-67
working hours [hours] ≥2 ≥2 ≥2 ≥2
power source battery 18650 battery 18650 battery 18650 battery 18650
operating temperature [°C] -10~60 -10~60 -10~60 -10~60

*V - This probe may have a removable head
*P- This probe is also available without head turning
*LED - LED lighting


Standard delivery set (for all three sets R, B, G)

  • recording unit
  • probe
  • baterry 18650
  • charger
  • power adapter

VT Videoscope IdealBorescope 12VT Videoscope IdealBorescope

VT Videoscope IdealBorescopeVT Videoscope IdealBorescope


Image size comparison for O (1280x720) R, B (640x480) and G (320x240) Kit

VT Videoscope IdealBorescope


VT Videoscope IdealBorescopeVT Videoscope IdealBorescope


Videos of various probes

O Kit, 720P, probe 6.0mm

O Kit, 720P, probe 3.9mm

G Kit, probe 1.6mm

R Kit, probe 6.0mm


Should you have any questions, please call us or use contact form at the bottom of the page.

Send an Email. All fields with an (*) are required.
Address: PTS Josef Solnař s.r.o.
  U Hrůbků 170
  709 00 Ostrava Nová Ves
  Czech Republic
Phone: +420 596 744 163
Mobile: +420 777 175 174
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