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Dosimetr SOEKS Quantum

Artykuł w trakcie tłumaczenia

Quantum is a professional dosimeter with two SBM 20-1 Geiger counters.

The SOEKS Quantum dosimeter is registered in the Register of Measuring Equipment (Certificate of Measuring Instrument Type Approval No. 62619-15, issued on December 8, 2015 by the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology).

Quantum is very easy to use. It can be easily operated both by professionals and users who have no special training.

If necessary, the dosimeter may be tested by any accredited laboratory according to the approved calibration procedure.

SOEKS Quantum is the most affordable and one of the most advanced professional dosimeters available on the market. This is the only truly mass-produced professional dosimeter.

Quantum is sold in more than 40 countries worldwide. Tens of thousands of these dosimeters are produced, which makes Quantum more affordable compared with its immediate competitors. Moreover, it offers a much wider range of functions and is easy to use.

You can connect Quantum to your computer to upload measurement readings to Excel, customize the settings or upgrade firmware.



SOEKS Device Manager for Windows


  • Two SBM-20-1 sensors, high measurement accuracy
  • Standalone operation time up to 700 hours
  • Measuring time up to 9 seconds
  • Cumulative radiation dose measured for a period over 1 year
  • Several days of background radiation history
  • PC compatible via USB
  • Background radiation and cumulative dose threshold setting
  • Alarm sounder
  • Calendar and wake-up alarm
  • Contemporary design and interface
  • Online software self-update
  • Service life no less than 7 years

SOEKS QuantumSOEKS Quantum

Technical parameters

Indication range (background radiation), µSv/h up to 1 000
Cumulative dose measurement range, Sv up to  1 000
Dose accumulation time up to 10,000 hours
Background radiation measurement history accumulation at least 24 hours in 10-second increments
Recorded gamma-ray energy, MeV from 0,1
Warning thresholds, µSv/h 0,3 to 100
Measuring time, seconds 10
Measurement error, max +/- 15%
Indication Continuous, numerical, graphical
Batteries and auxiliary power AAA-type rechargeable or regular batteries, network adapter or USB
Power supply range, V 1,9 - 3,0
Continuous run time, min, hours up to  700
Overall dimensions (height × width × thickness), max, mm 130х52х18
Weight (excluding batteries), max, g 71
Battery charging current, max, mA 300
Input current from USB or charger, max, mA 500
Charger output voltage, V 4,5 ~ 5,5
Color TFT display 128х160
Operating temperature range, °C -20 to +60




CE Test Certificate


Ask yourself what you are interested in, call or use the contact form at the bottom of the page.

Wyślij e-mail. Wszystkie pola z (*) są wymagane.
Osoba kontaktowa: Czesław Danel
Phone: +48 784 398 382
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