full service NDT din 1990


Magnetometre seria MH

Măsurare digitală a intensitatii câmpului magnetic seria MH (modele noi din 2015, care înlocuiesc/imbunatatesc modelele MH 05, MH 06, MH 07, MH 7.5)

Acestea sunt concepute pentru a măsura câmpul rezidual magnetic cu ajutorul unui senzor Hall , în kA / m sau gauss în funcție de model.


Magnetometru MH175


MH175 - Měřič intenzity magnetického poleMH175 - Měřič intenzity magnetického pole


Gama de masurare ±0 - 20 kA/m
Rezoluția / Precizie 10 A/m
Măsurare câmp  AC, DC, cu indicația de polaritate (buton opțiune)
semnalizare de curent alternativ " ~ "
Probe manual removable tangential Hall probe
Automatc zero setting yes, after each turning on of the device
Weight 203g including the probe and batteries
Dimensions 78x117x22 mm

DC ± 3% + 1 dig. from the measured value
AC ± 5% + 1 dig. from the measured value

Frequency range 10 Hz until 1kHz for AC measurement according to specification
Power supply

2 x AA 1.5 V alkaline battery

Automatic power off

after 5 minutes (always - in active or standby mode)

Low battery indicator

when power supply drops below 2V "LOBAT" sign is shown on the display

Consumption current

typically 24 mA

Operating temperature from 8ºC to +40ºC (from 46ºF to 104ºF)

Supplied in case with probe and batter

MH175 - Měřič intenzity magnetického poleMH175 - Měřič intenzity magnetického pole


MH107 - Residual magnetic field gaussmeter


MH107 - Měřič zbytkového magnetického poleMH107 - Měřič zbytkového magnetického pole


Measuring range ±0 - 20 kA/m, 0 - 200 Gauss
Resolution 10 A/m  or 0.1 Gauss
Selection of units of measurement with a button, A/m or Gauss
Measured field direct with polarity indication
Probe manual removable tangential Hall probe
Automatc zero setting yes, after each turning on of the device
Weight 203g including probe and batteries
Dimensions 78x117x22 mm

DC ±3% + 1 dig. from the measured value

Frequency range 10 Hz until 1kHz
Power supply

2 x AA 1.5 V alkaline battery

Automatic power off

po 5-ti minutách (vždy - při činnosti i nečinnosti přístroje)

Low battery indication

when power supply drops below 2V "LOBAT" sign is shown on the display

Consumption current

typically 24 mA

Operating temperature from 8ºC to +40ºC (from 46ºF to 104ºF)

Supplied in case with probe and batteries.


MH107 - Měřič zbytkového magnetického poleMH107 - Měřič zbytkového magnetického pole



MH 107S - Stationary residual magnetic field gaussmeter


MH 107S - Stacionární měřič zbytkového magnetického poleMH 107S - Stacionární měřič zbytkového magnetického pole

Measuring range ±0 - 20 kA/m, 0 - 200 Gauss
Resolution 10 A/m  nebo 0,1 Gauss
Selection of units of measurement with a button, A/m or Gauss
Measured field direct with polarity indication
Probe integrated into the device, tangential Hall probe
Automatc zero setting yes, after each turning on of the device
Dimensions 185x193x56 mm
Weight 780g including integrated battery, without network adapter

DC ±3% + 1 dig. from the measured value

Frequency range 10 Hz until 1kHz
Low battery indication

when power supply drops below 2V "LOBAT" sign is shown on the display

Consumption current

typically 24 mA

Operating temperature from 8ºC to +40ºC (from 46ºF to 104ºF)

MH-107S is a stationary equipment for measuring intensity of residual magnetic field of small items. The device provides automatic zero setting. It has integrated battery and supplied with network adapter.



MH 107S - Stacionární měřič zbytkového magnetického poleMH 107S - Stacionární měřič zbytkového magnetického pole

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