full service NDT od roku 1990

UT Phased Array sondy

Other Special Probes

According to the needs of on-site detection, we can develop special customized probes for customers. Some customized probes are listed below. Doppler is your best choice for solutions for difficult scenes.

Laterally Focused Array

The element is bent in the length direction to form focused beam on secondary axis, can be used for automatic / semi-automatic scanning of pipes with diameter of 20mm-115mm in combination with Doppler scanner

Wedge Integrated

Permanent fixation of elements and wedge, Built-in wedge or delay line. Smaller size, convenient to use in a narrow space, With its own wedge, direct angle scanning can be carried out

Concave Series

Excellent waterproof performance within 1m underwater, acoustic impedance matches well with water. Especially suitable for automatic on-line detection. Automatic / semi-automatic detection of pipeline corrosion and thickness measurement with Doppler scanner

Immersion Series

Excellent waterproof performance within 1m underwater, acoustic impedance matches well with water, Easy coupling to multiple surfaces, Corrosion resistant stainless steel housing, Combined with automatic system for online detection

DLA/DMA Series

The probe is designed in a pulse and receive mode, which greatly optimizes the surface resolution of the workpiece to be tested and has a very small surface blind area. Compared with conventional dual-crystal probe, it has larger coverage, better imaging effect and better signal-to-noise ratio.

High Temperature Series

The overall temperature resistance of the probe, combined with the high-temperature resistant wedge, it can continuously detect the workpiece with the surface temperature of 150 °C. It can be matched with 0° and angled high temperature wedge.

Air-coupling Probe

Non-contact air coupled ultrasound (ACU). high sensitivity and high signal to noise ratio. Optional 60dB built-in amplifier, the amplifier is USB interface. Customizable series for focusing and working in water mist environment.

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Adresa: PTS Josef Solnař s.r.o.
  U Hrůbků 170
  709 00 Ostrava Nová Ves 
  Czech Republic
Telefon: +420 596 744 163
Mobil: +420 777 175 174
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