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Contactless thermometers

Contactless infrared thermometers, or pyrometers are devices, which determine the temperature or the measured object from temperature radiation.

They are used to measure temperatures predominantly within the range -50°C up to +3500°C.




Among advantages of the devices can be cunted:

  • measuring speed (withing the range of miliseconds) - saves your time and enables to carry out much more measurements,
  • enables even measuring of moving objects,
  • easy temperature measuring on dangerous or hardly accessible places (parts under high voltage, moving parts, distant objects),
  • trouble-free measurng of very high temperatures (over 1300 °C). In these cases is almost impossible to use contact thermometers, as they usually have very limited lifespan,
  • the measured object is not being influenced (there is no energy draw at measuring. For instance when we are measuring low temperature conductors e.g. plastic or wood, the measuring by contactless thermometer are very accurate and without distortion or measured values in comparison to the contact theromometers.
  • the measuring takes place without any peril of contamination and mechanic effect on the surface of the measured object (e.g. scratching of painted surfaces and it enables to measure even soft surfaces. Measuring in food industry is perfectly hygienic and safe).


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Infrared thermometer GM550


Infrared thermometer GM1150


Infrared thermometer GM1350

measuring temperature range  -50 ~ 550°C  -50 ~ 1150°C  -18 ~ 1350°C
emisivity setting yes yes yes
optical resolution 12:1 20:1 50:1
degree of resolution 0.1 °C 0.1 °C 0.1 °C
limit alarm for high and low temperature no yes yes

IR contactless thermometer GM550E


Infrared thermometer GM550


  • unit selection °C or °F
  • freeze (holding) of the value on the display
  • laser pointer

    What is the use of laser pointer?

    Infrared thermometers are frequently equipped by laser pointer, which enables the user to aim the measured spot much faster and more accurate.

    Simple laser beam with a shift from optical axis
    The laser beam comes out of the place away from the middle from the optic axis and does not correspondent with the optical axis. This is the simplest version, used mainly for devices with low optic definition (for large easured objects). The laser beam must be aimed approximately into the middle of the measured object, but within small distances can be spotted some inacurracy.

  • display backlight
  • automatic turn off at inactivity
  • low battery indicator



  • temperature range: -50 ~ 550°C (-58 ~ 1022°F)
  • accuracy: ±1,5% from the value or ±1,5°C
  • optical resolution:

    What is optical resolution?

    Optical system of infrared thermometers catches infrared energy from circular measured surface and concentrates it to the detector. The measured object must fulfill the measured surface, otherwise the thermometer "sees" other temperature radiation from the background, which causes inacurracy of measured values.

    Optical resolution D : S is defined as a relationship between the distance of measuring device and measured object, and the diameter of the measured surface. The bigger the value is, the better is the optical resolution of measuring device is and the smaler can be the measured surface at the given distance.

  • emisivity:

    What is emisivity?

    The emisivity determins the ability of the object to radiate temperature. It is dimensionless unit.  Overview or emisivity of selected materials:

    black object: 1
    black matte paint: 0,99
    tin (non-oxidized): 0,05
    alluminium (non-oxidized): 0,03
    magnesium (magnesium oxide): 0,16 - 0,20
    copper (copper (I) oxide): 0,87
    brass (73%Cu, 27%Zn, polished): 0,03
    asbestos (plate): 0,96
    cotton fabric: 0,77
    concrete (crude): 0,94
    brick (red, crude): 0,93
    wood (oak, smooth): 0,94
    rubber, light grey: 0,89
    cork: 0,7
    paper: 0,97
    glass: 0,94

    adjustable from 0,1 - 1.0
  • resolution: 0,1°C or °F
  • response time: 500ms
  • repeatable measuring ±1 % or ±1°C
  • power supply: 9V alkaline battery (is part of the packing)
  • size of LCD display: 30 x 15mm
  • weight: 148g
  • size: 153 x 101 x 43mm


IR contactless thermometer GM1150

Infrared thermometer GM1150


  • unit selection °C or °F
  • freeze (holding) of the value on the display
  • laser pointer

    What is the use of laser pointer?

    Infrared thermometers are often equipped by laser pointer, which enables aiming of the measured spot much faster and more accurate.

    Simple laser beam with a shift from optical axis
    Laser beam comes out of the place beyond the optical axis and does not fully correspond with the axis. This simplest version is especially used for devices with low optical resolution (for large measured objects). Laser pointer is targeted approximatelly to the center of the measured object, but if the distance of the thermometer from the measured object is small and inacurracy in measuring can occur.

  • display backlight
  • automatic turn off at inactivity
  • low battery indicator
  • low and high temperature alarm (user adjustable value)
    • measuring of maximum, minimum, average and differencial temperature
    • packed in plastic case



  • temperature range: -50 ~ 1150°C (-58 ~ 2102°F)
  • measuring accuracy: ±1,5% from the value or ±1,5°C
  • optical resolution:

    What is optical resolution?

    Optic system of infrared thermoeters absorbs infrared energy radiated from circular measured surface and concentrates that against the detector. The measured object must completely full in this measured surface otherwise can the thermometer "see" other temprerature radiation from the background, which causes inaccuracy of measured values. 

    Optical resolution D : S is defined as a relationship between the distance of the measuring device from the measured object, and diameter of the measured surface. The bigger the value is, the better the optical resolution of the measuring device is and the smaller the easured surface can be at the given distance.

  • emisivity:

    What is emisivity?

    Emisivity determins the ability of the object to emit heat. It is dimensionless unit.

    Overview of emisivity of selected materials:

    black object: 1
    black matte paint: 0,99
    tim (non-oxized): 0,05
    alluminium (non-oxidized): 0,03
    magnesium (magnesium oxide): 0,16 - 0,20
    copper (copper (I) oxide): 0,87
     brass (73%Cu, 27%Zn, polished): 0,03
    asbestos (plate): 0,96
    cotton fabric: 0,77
    concrete (crude): 0,94
    brick (red, crude): 0,93
    wood (oak, smooth): 0,94
    rubber, light grey: 0,89
    cork: 0,7
    paper: 0,97
    glass: 0,94

    adjustable from  0,1 - 1.0
  • definition: 0,1°C or °F
  • resposne time: 500ms
  • repeatability of measurements ±1 % or ±1°C
  • power supply: 9V alkaline battery (included in the packing)
  • size or the LCD display: 30 x 15mm
  • weight: 312g
  • size: 200 x 155 x 59mm


IR contactless thermometer GM1350

Infrared thermometer GM1350


  • unit setting °C or °F
  • freeze (hold) of the value on the display
  • laser pointer

    What is the use of laser pointer?

    Infrared thermometers are often equipped by laser pointer, which enables the user to aim to the measured spot much faster and more accurate.

    Simple laser beam with a shift from optical axis
    Laser beam comes out of the place beyond the optical axis and does not fully correspond with the axis. This simplest version is especially used for devices with low optical resolution (for large measured objects). Laser pointer is targeted approximatelly to the center of the measured object, but if the distance of the thermometer from the measured object is small and inacurracy in measuring can occur.

  • display backlight
  • automatic turn off at inactivity
  • low battery indication
  • low and high temperature alarm (user adjustable value)
  • measuring of maximum, minimum, average and differencial temperature
  • packed in a plactic case



  • temperature range: -18 ~ 1350°C (-0 ~ 2462°F)
  • measuring accuracy: ±1,5% from the value or ±1,5°C
  • optical resolution:

    What is optical resolution?

    Optic system of infrared thermoeters absorbs infrared energy radiated from circular measured surface and concentrates that against the detector. The measured object must completely full in this measured surface otherwise can the thermometer "see" other temprerature radiation from the background, which causes inaccuracy of measured values. 
    Optical resolution D : S is defined as a relationship between the distance of the measuring device from the measured object, and diameter of the measured surface. The bigger the value is, the better the optical resolution of the measuring device is and the smaller the easured surface can be at the given distance.
  • emisivity:

    What is emisivity?

    Emisivity determins the ability of the object to emit heat. It is dimensionless unit.

    Overview of emisivity of selected materials:

    black object: 1
    black matte paint: 0,99
    tin (non-oxidized): 0,05
    alluminium (non-oxidized): 0,03
    magnesium (magnesium oxide): 0,16 - 0,20
    copper (copper (I) oxide): 0,87
    brass (73%Cu, 27%Zn, polished): 0,03
    asbestos (plate): 0,96
    cotton fabric: 0,77
    concrete (crude): 0,94
    brick (red, crude): 0,93
    wood (oak, smooth): 0,94
    rubber, light grey: 0,89
    cork: 0,7
    paper: 0,97
    glass: 0,94

    adjustable from 0,1 - 1.0
  • resolution: 0,1°C or °F
  • response time: 500ms
  • measuring repeatability ±1 % or ±1°C
  • power supply: 9V alkaline battery (included in the packing)
  • size of the LCD display: 30 x 15mm
  • weight: 312g
  • size: 200 x 155 x 59mm


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  709 00 Ostrava Nová Ves
  Czech Republic
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