full service NDT since 1990

MT Crack Detectors / Sources

Pipes’ chamfer testing for detection of detachments

MPI equipment for testing pipes’ chamfer to detect detachments. Standards of American Petroleum Institute (API) prescribe NDT of front chamfer of transversally welded pipes of petroleum assortment to detect detachments.

Defects is possible to detect by using wet magnetic particle fluorescent method, when end parts of the pipe are magnetized by core, fluorescent suspension is applied and the surface is inspected under UV illumination.

PTS Josef Solnař, s.r.o. company developed and produced semiautomatic MPI equipment which makes it possible to magnetize pipe ends during their rotation around the axis with simultaneous application of fluorescent suspension on the tested surface. Testing personnel perform testing in the closed cabine, which prevents penetration of sunlight, inspecting the tested pipe surface of chamfer part to detect flaws of detachment type under powerful ultraviolet illumination. Upon completion testing the equipment automatically demagnetizes pipes’ ends.

Zařízení pro kontrolu konců trubekZařízení pro kontrolu konců trubek

On the pictures below you can see installed line for pipe control at one of pipe plants in Ukraine where two sets of MPI equipment (for testing both ends of pipes) are used; appearance of control and pipe magnetization mechanics, watering device. There is 400 W UV lamp above the equipment, it is also produced by our company. Control panel allows to set automatic testing mode as well as manual control mode for simple functions.

MPI equipment consists of the following main parts:

main electric board is intended to switch on/off the equipment and its main parts, to set and control magnetizing current value, to adjust time of magnetization and watering the pipe
magnetizing circuit circuit is intended for magnetization of chamfer part of a pipe by AC magnetic field and consists of magnetizing coil and polepieces
bench with a magnet mounted on it is intended for mechanical orientation of a magnet relative to a pipe with the help of manipulation equipment with electric drive for lifting and lowering of the bench according to diameter of the tested pipes and electropneumatic drive for moving the bench to the left, to the right and to lift a magnet
suspension preparation system
is intended to supply magnetic suspension to the testing place and includes watering device, pump and reservoir of 40 l volume
control panel controls all technological operations and indicates working modes
UV illumination with the help of stationary UV lamp (400 W, λ = 365µm) and handheld UV lamp (100 W, λ = 365µm) is needed for illumination of the tested pipe surfaces



power supply 3NPE 400/230V TN-S AC 50Hz 
power supply of operative circuits 24V AC
ppower consumption 10kVA
pneumatic power min. 6 bar
amount of current in magnetizing circuit [A] max. 10
working mode ruční, automatický
load factor of coil 30%
suspension preparation and circulation system [mm] 1100 x 700 x 700
control panel [mm] 140 x 220 x 440
UV illumination [mm] 360 x 300 x 310
weight [kg] cca 800
main dimensions [mm]

main electric board: 1600 x 305 x 800
magnetizing circuit: 150 x 300 x 300
bench: 1000 x 900 x 1100


Zařízení pro kontrolu konců trubek
pipe testing
Zařízení pro kontrolu konců trubek
line assembly

 Zařízení pro kontrolu konců trubek
reference defect

 Zařízení pro kontrolu konců trubek
device switchboard

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Address: PTS Josef Solnař s.r.o.
  U Hrůbků 170
  709 00 Ostrava Nová Ves
  Czech Republic
Phone: +420 596 744 163
Mobile: +420 777 175 174
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