full service NDT since 1990

Probes for hardness testers

Dynamic and UCI probes for protable hardness testers.

Types of dynamic probes (Leeb probe)

There are 6 basic probes marked as (D, DC, D+15, DL, C, G and E) suitable for different applications. Each special probe is compatible with universal D probe.

6 základních sond označovaných jako (D, DC, D+15, DL, C, G and E)

Selection of suitable probe

Probe D: universal use, suitable for most applications
Probe DC: with the smallest size is intended for hardly accessible measuring
Probe DL: for use in holes, cavities and grooves
Probe C: for measuring of hardened surfaces
Probe D+15: for use in holes, cavities and grooves
Probe G: intended for large parts with rougher surface
Probe E: with diamond tip ensures longer operation life

The probes are universal and can be used with a majority of portable hardness testers with external probe. We recommend to use them with HardCheck hardness tester.


impact energy [Nmm] 11 11 11 11 3 90 11
length [mm] 150 85 165 202 140  250 155
diameter [mm] 20 20 20 20 20 30 20
weight [g] 75 50 80 100 75 250 100
max. hardness of etalon 940HV 940HV 940HV 950HV 1000HV 650HB 1200HV
Roughness RA [µm] 2 2 2 2 0.4 7 2
min. thickness [mm] 3 3 3 3 1 10 3
min thickness of coating [mm] 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.2 ---- 0.8
min.weight [kg] 5 5 5 5 0,5 15 5
min. weight with  stand [kg] 2 2 2 2 0,5 5 2
min. weight when connected with stand [kg] 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.02 0.5 0.1
for 300HV, diameter [mm]/depth [µm]  0.52/24 0.54/24 0.54/24 0.54/24 0.38/12 1.03/53 0.54/24
for 800HV, diameter [mm]/depth [µm]  0.35/10 0.35/10 0.35/10 0.35/10 0.30/7 .../... 0.35/10
steel HV 80-940 80-937 80-950 80-996 ..... 84-1027
HB 80-647 80-638 81-646 80-683 90-646 84-656
HRB 38.4-99.5 ..... 37.0-99.9 ..... 47.7-99.9 .....
HRC 20.0-68.0 19.3-67.9 20.6-68.2 20.0-69.5 ..... 21.9-70.5
HSD 32.5-99.9 33.3-99.3 30.6-69.8 31.9-102.3 ..... 35.5-102.8
tool steel HV  80-898  80-935   ..... 100-941  .....  83-1009 
HRC 20.4-67.1 19.8-68.2 ..... 20.7-68.2 ..... 22.2-70.2
stainless steel HV 85-802 ..... ..... ..... ..... .....
HB 85-655 ..... ..... ..... ..... .....
HRB 46.5-101.7 ..... ..... ..... ..... .....
HRC 19.6-62.4 ..... ..... ..... ..... .....
grey cast iron HB 93-334 ..... ..... ..... 92-328 .....
ductile iron HB 131-387 ..... ..... ..... 127-364 .....
aluminium alloys HB 20-159 ..... ..... ..... ..... .....
brass HB 40-173 ..... ..... ..... ..... .....
HRB 13.5-95.3 ..... ..... ..... ..... .....
bronze HB 60-290 ..... ..... ..... ..... .....
copper HB 45-315 ..... ..... ..... ..... .....

Hardness testers Impact devicesHardness testers Impact devicesHardness testers Impact devicesHardness testers Impact devices

sonda GImpact ball (kulička) - typ G

Types of UCI probes

Load of probe advantages suitable for use
5kgf (50N) Universal type, suitable for most of standard applications.
50N probe is activated by pressure of a hand downwards.
Possible to take measurements on surfaces with relatively higher roughness.
Suitable, for example, for measuring of hardness of camshafts, turbines, welds, measuring in grooves, surfaces of gears, turbine blades, pipes with diameter up to 90mm.
1kgf (10N) The probe is easily used on curved surfaces.
It is not needed to make as high pressure on it as on 50N probe.
Measuring accuracy depends on quality of a surface, necessary to measure on surfaces with lower roughness.
Suitable for measuring of thin-walled parts, parts of bearings, surfaces of teeth on turbine blades, pipes with diameter over 90mm. 

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  U Hrůbků 170
  709 00 Ostrava Nová Ves
  Czech Republic
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