full service NDT since 1990

AccuMAX XRP-3000

Single detector with dual sensors measures both ultraviolet and visible light. Complies with ASTM specifications for MPI and FPI. Specially engineered for NDT applications.

AccuPRO XP-2000

AccuPRO™ Series meters feature an advanced, microprocessor-controlled readout unit calibrated to accurately measure and display UV-A, and Visible light readings.

UV meter UV-365M

UV-365M is portable UV meter, powered by batteries, which is designed for measuring of UV radiation intensity of the wavelength 365 nm.

UF 365 triLED / batt UV lamp

PTS UF 365 triLED and triLED batt are the second generation of rechargeable battery-powered lamps with three UV-A LEDs which immeadiately reach maximal intensity more than 5500 µW/cm2. For NDT needs lamp's housing is made from aluminium alloy.

UV Lamp UF23 DuoLED

The PTS UF23 DuoLED is an all-aluminium handheld UV-A lamp with two UV-A LEDs and three white LEDs, which immediately deliver a maximum power of more than 5 400 µW/cm². For NDT needs, the body is equipped with a spray holder.

UV Lamp UF32 Spray

The PTS UF32 Spray is a smart, all-aluminium UV-A lamp with three UV-A LEDs and two white LEDs, which immediately deliver maximum power greater than 4 500 µW/cm². It is smart in that it detects work interruptions and shuts down itself. After grabbing the hand, it turns on again. For NDT needs, the body is equipped with a spray holder.

About UV radiation

About UV radiation

Ultraviolet light, also known as UV radiation, is one of the electromagnetic spectrum range. Within this spectrum UV radiation is situated between visible part of the spectrum and roentgen radiation. The shorter wavelength radiation has, the higher energy it produces. That is why UV radiation produces less energy than roentgen radiation but more than visible light.

Service of UV lamps

Our company is an authorized dealer and service center for Spectro-UV product range.

All UV lamps used in non-destructive testing, optionally - in other technical fields, require periodical maintenance or repair.

Our workrooms are full of many types of lamps from different manufacturers of various designs. Some of them, at first sight, may have similar elements but often not interchangeable, which can cause incorrect results during part's quality evaluation in case of incompliance. 

EagleEye set UV LED

Ideal for fluorescent magnetic particle and penetrant testing, pipeline inspections, ship hull inspections, and any environment that requires a portable, hands-free inspection lamp. Place on hardhat or onto Magnetic Particle Spray can.

Optimax UV LED

Spectro-UV Optimax 365 LED. Powerful, rechargeable, high-intensity UV-A inspection lamp featuring state-of-the-art, ultra-hi-flux LED technology. Nominal steady-state UV-A intensity of 18,000 µW/cm² at 15 in (38 cm).

QUADRAN™ 365 Series

Quadrant™ 365 Series lamps feature four ultra-hi-flux UV-A LEDs plus a convenient white light LED to quickly switch between fluorescent inspection and flaw location.

EDGE™ 13 Series

Designed specifically for NDT professionals who require a rugged, high-intensity lamp to spot fluorescent indications on large parts.

Spectroline UV lamps

These super-powerful lamps make NDT inspections easier, safer and more reliable. They feature state-of-the-art micro discharge light (MDL) technology with a fatigue-free ergonomic design.

Acceessories Spectro-UV

Using genuine Spectro-UV accessories and replacement parts ensures that lamps will operate at their optimum performance. Filters, battery packs, protective accessories and more.

DZC demagnetizing coils

Demagnetizing coils of various dimensions and performance are intended for use in NDT or production of goods made from ferromagnetic materials to decrease their residual magnetic field (demagnetize).


Manufacture of many devices and parts of equipment made of steel or other ferromagnetic metals causes magnetizing of these products. To provide the highest quality of products it is needed to decrease their magnetization and thereby retain original characteristics of metal. Then we mean demagnetization or degaussing of magnetic materials.

The origin of magnetism

The magnetizing is carried out during performance of NDT inspection, handling with the magnetic crane, when machining of semimanufactured products, or when milling, cutting, bending, drilling, welding or other mechanical processing. The origin of the magnetic field can be in any environment. But it affects only ferromagnetic materials including iron, nickel and cobalt, or alloys of some elements.

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Address: PTS Josef Solnař s.r.o.
  U Hrůbků 170
  709 00 Ostrava Nová Ves
  Czech Republic
Phone: +420 596 744 163
Mobile: +420 777 175 174
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